Thursday, September 27, 2007

Identify what are Peripherals?

First off a Peripheral is a piece of computer hardware that is added to a host computer in order to expand its abilities. More specifically, the term is used to describe those devices that are optional in nature, as opposed to hardware that is either demanded or always required in principle. 7 different types of Peripherals are

2. Printers
4.Video Captuer Cards
7.Game Pads

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

IT Foundations

1.What is Sound Card?
Is a computer expansion card that facilitates the input and output of audio signals to from a computer under control of computer programs.

2. List 2 brands of speakers, and 1 model of each.
The Monsoon brand/originally associated with OEM-sourced automotive audio speaker systems, notably supplied on a number of General Motors products and then later expanded onto other manufacturers such as Volkswagen.
Leslie Speakers/ loudspeaker used to create special audio effects utilizing the Doppler effect.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


6. Are there special equipment needed for these 2 formats?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages for each format?
Blu-ray holds a lot of Gb but cannot hold a lot of material on 1 disc.
HD-DVD can hold a lot of material but is only 45GB.

8. What are the supporters for each format?
Blu-ray-sony,samsung, Dell,Panasonic,and Hp.
HD-DVD-Toshiba,NEC,disney, paramont and engadget.

9. What is the competition between VHS and Betamax?
To see which one was the best.
a.Who won that competition?
VHS won.
b.What lessons are to be learned?
Plan your marketing well.

10. In your opinion, who will win the competition between HD-DVD and bluray?why?Victory from business or technology Perspective?
HD DVD, because their technology is better, and technology.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IT Foundations

1. Which two companies are developing the two competing formats?
Sony is Blu-ray dvd and Toshiba is HD-DVD.

2. Which is the history of these two companies?
Companies are working on thesr formats sony is working on Blu-Ray and toshiba is working with HD_DVD.

3. What technology is used to work on the formats?

4. What is the major differnce between the new technology and the traditional DVD technology?
Old technology hold up to 9GB and new technology go up to 50GB.

5. What are the differences between the 2 formats?
HD-DVd and bluray hold a different amount of GB. HD-DVD holds 45GB and Blu-ray holds 50gb.

Friday, September 14, 2007

IT Foundations

1.A sound card (also known as an audio card) is a computer expansion card that facilitates the input and output sound under control of computer programs.

2.A video card, (also referred to as a graphics accelerator card, display adapter, graphics card, and numerous other terms), is an item of personal computer hardware whose function is to generate and output images to a display.

3.A network card, network adapter or NIC (network interface card) is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

IT Foundations

1. What is Legacy Card?
An older expansion board such as ISA.An ISA expansion board that did not have the Plug and Play capability built in. Up until 1995, all ISA cards were legacy cards.

2. What is Plug and Play?
The ability to add a new component to a system and have it works automatically without having to do any technical analysis or manual configuration.Also a standard from Intel for peripheral expansion on a PC. On starting up the computer, Plug and Play causes the necessary IRQ, DMA and I/O address settings for the attached peripheral devices to be configured automatically.

3. What is Driver?
A hardware device (typically a transistor) that provides signals or electrical current to activate a transmission line or display screen pixel. Also called a "device driver," it is a program routine that links the operating system to a peripheral device. Written by programmers who understand the peripheral hardware's command language and characteristics, the driver contains the precise machine language necessary to perform the functions requested by the application.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

IT Foundations

1.What is Com Port?
A combinatinof 1/0 address and IRQ assigned to a serial port.

2.What is LPT Port?
A combination of 1/0 address and IRQ assignes to a parallel port.

Friday, September 7, 2007

IT Foundations

1.What is expansion Slot?
A socket on the motherboard that accepts an expansion card.

2.What is ISA?(Industry Standard Architecture)
Was a computer bus standard for ISM compatiable computers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


!.What is a Motherboard?
A central or primary circiut board making up a complex electronic system.

2.What is BIOs?
Basic Input/Output System
Basic Integrated Operating System

3.What is Firmware?
A computer program that is embedded in a hardware device.

4.What is Flash ROM?
(Flash Memory)
Non-violatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.